The Principle of Vibration

Everything in the Universe, from the smallest atom, to the largest galaxy is in a constant state of motion and energy. This energy vibrates at different frequencies depending on its nature and state. What does this mean for you? It means that you are also a vibrating being with your own unique frequency. 

Your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions all affect your vibration and your vibration affects your reality. You attract what you are in harmony with and repel what you are not. This is the basis of the law of attraction which is a manifestation of the principle of vibration. When you vibrate at a high frequency, you are in alignment with joy, love, abundance and peace. When you vibrate at a low frequency, you are in alignment with fear, anger, lack and conflict. 

One way to raise your vibration is to practice gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have. It also opens you heart to receive more blessings from the universe. Try this simple exercise: Every morning write down three things that you are grateful for. They can be big or small as long as they make you feel good then, throughout the day, whenever you encounter something that makes you happy or grateful, say "thank you" silently or out loud. Notice how these changes your mood and energy.